Our performance appraisal system, designed in line with the needs of your company, can be a milestone in enhancing work effectiveness, developing a team of dedicated workers, and building a sense of justice among employees. Not only does it allow for a more joined-up personnel policy-making but it also builds a positive image of you as an employer.
- Review of available HR tools
We acquaint ourselves with available HR tools such as job descriptions, competence model, and organizational structure.
- Choosing key competences subject to evaluation
Thanks to moderating discussions and interviewing managers, we identify the set of key competences which are subject to evaluation in the process of performance appraisal.
- Choosing performance appraisal method
We design an ideal performance appraisal method in line with your company's size, specificities of operations, needs, and the existing personnel policy.
- Identifying IT tools for performance appraisal
We identify IT tools which can simplify and enhance the performance appraisal process as well as lower the costs you will have to bear.
- Training managers
We train your managers in performance appraisal so that they are ready to personally support their subordinates.
- Pilot performance appraisal programme
We conduct performance appraisal on a small group, usually consisting of managers only, to review and revise evaluation methods.
- Summarizing pilot performance appraisal
We summarize the results of pilot performance appraisal, standardize the report form, and, if need be, revise the applied methodology.
- Planning information campaign
We plan an information campaign which announces performance appraisal. We offer meetings and video conference during which we explain the evaluation process to employees as well.
- Training performance evaluators
We conduct training sessions during which we teach employees to run or supervise performance appraisal.
- Implementing performance appraisal at your company
We run the first performance appraisal on the basis of the predetermined scheme.