Development Center

Verifying and evaluating your employees' key competences allows them to develop their skills and achieve goals on a daily basis. We plan and hold Development Centre sessions which examine  candidates' reactions to different simulated aspects of the work environment.
Development Center

Working with us, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Planning dedicated programme
    When designing dedicated tasks and planning a Development Centre session, we bear in mind you goals and the specificity of your company.
  • Supporting image-building activities among employees 
    During Development Centre sessions we build a positive image of your company as research- and development-oriented. 
  • Varying Development Centre session tasks
    We design varied Development Centre tasks and activities to ensure the high level of participants' engagement.
  • Detailed analysis of duties and selection of competences
    We analyse employees' duties profile and define the set of key competences necessary for achieving good results.
  • Multidimensional key competences assessment
    We conduct a detailed assessment of employees' competences on the basis of verbal and non-verbal communication.  
  • Improving HR staff's assessment competency
    We improve your HR staff's assessment competency by providing them with an opportunity to participate in Development Centre sessions. 
  • Compiling summary reports
    We compile reports which compare competences graphically (quantitative data) and describe the evaluated employees' strengths and weaknesses in details (qualitative data).
  • Providing relevant feedback
    We provide all participants of the Development Centre session with detailed feedback and discuss the results by showing them concrete examples of their actions.


Development Centre - an effective way to develop competence

  1. Defining key competences
    Based on employees' duties and organizational structure of your company, we choose and define relevant competences.
  2. Designing behavioural indicators
    We fill the Development Centre session with tasks and activities requiring specific reactions. Observation of these reactions and behaviours allows to evaluate participants' competences.
  3. Training assessors and preparing evaluation spread sheets  
    We organize assessors' meetings to discuss the Development Centre session's programme and the rating scale.
  4. Holding Development Centre sessions
    We carry out evaluation of participants' competences in line with the session's programme.
  5. Summarizing assessors' observations  
    We discuss the course of the Development Centre session immediately after its closure and conduct the preliminary evaluation of the participants' competences.
  6. Compiling competency evaluation report
    We compile a report which includes quantitative and qualitative data on the Development Centre session's results of every participant.
  7. Providing relevant feedback
    We discuss the results of the Development Centre session with every participant paying special attention to their strengths and weakness.
  8. Planning employees' development programme
    We draw up a dedicated programme of competence improvement based on the results of the Development Centre session. The plan includes recommended trainings and  coaching sessions.

Have us hold a Development Centre session for you and allow your employees to flourish.

Call: +48 61 894 47 74

or fill in the contact form - we will respond within 48 hours

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